Thursday, March 27, 2014

Writing game 3 - Speech as an anit-religionist

Speech - “Power is God” - As an Anti-Religionist
What is God?
God is an idea, an idea which beholds great power and is spread across the world.  God is power, and therefore Power is God, and God whatever his name is Allah, God or Buddha.
Religion is evil, it condemns people and forces ancients’ beliefs on people to live by, which directly includes people to kill or torture others.
Why should we follow an over 1000 years old book, which had no proof to back anything it mentions up, and fear an invisible man, who will either allow you to eternal despair or eternal joy.
I like the idea of living by ethical and moral rules which make guidelines for a life which doesn’t make life for others bad.
But even in history great crisis’s and massacres has been made, only because it says so in the Bible or Koran, in the bible it says that a man should be killed for planting different crops beside each other’s  or as the Koran says that women should be stoned to death because they have intercourse? Should we follow a so called “God”, which will kill other for the smallest of reasons, or just because they want to think for themselves.
Many has taken advantage of people because of their ignorance, ripped money from the average person, just because they said it could compensate for their sins.
You are not a good person because you follow a strict guideline for life which includes the suppression of others and diminishment of anyone who disobeys just a little, it is your actions towards those whether they are inferior or superior to you, that is the true characteristic of a good person. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the way the reversal of God is power into the backwards phrase "Power is God" started you on the whole track of the speech!

    I like the way your speech uses rational arguments, and asks us to think for ourselves. It is also a good idea to use rhetorical questions, but you have to learn how to do it - for instance, how to use question marks properly. In the text you have this passage: "in the bible it says that a man should be killed for planting different crops beside each other’s or as the Koran says that women should be stoned to death because they have intercourse? Should we follow a so called “God”, which will kill other for the smallest of reasons, or just because they want to think for themselves." There should not be a question mark where you put one, because you are not posing a question in that sentence. On the other hand, there SHOULD be a question mark at the very end, where you DO ask a rhetorical question...

    The plural of 'crisis' is not 'crisis’s', but 'crises'...

    All in all, I am impressed that you wrote such a long, rather clear text.


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